Soybeans Are Tasty and Nutritious

Soybeans Are Tasty and Nutritious

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By Rich Maples

Maybe you remember the "soyburgers" of the late-'60s. Not much to look at and even worse to eat. But Cooperative Extension Service foods specialist Dr. Pamela Brady says it's possible to add soybeans to your diet in a tasty way and take advantage of soybeans' nutrient value.

"When soybeans are nearly full size but still green and succulent, they make a good tasting, nutritious green vegetable, either shelled or cooked in the pods," said Brady.

"Dry soybeans can be cooked and served in a variety of dishes the same way other dry beans are. Soybeans do need to be soaked overnight before they're cooked."

There are also a variety of soy-based foods available, including soymilk, tofu, soy flour and textured soy protein.

Brady said soybeans are rich in protein, which is a raw material for muscle and other tissue, skin, hair and nails.

They're also a good source of minerals such as iron, phosphorus and calcium; and they contain thiamine, riboflavin and niacin in levels comparable to meat, milk and eggs.

Recent studies have shown that adding soy to a diet may reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Soy consumption may also reduce the risk of cancer and osteoporosis.

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